Monday, October 29, 2012

Sample 49 - No Longer Just Wallpaper (Arizona '10)

I'll have to admit, we weren't in the Canyon at the best time of the day, but who was I to complain? Shooting in the Grand Canyon was a great experience, and an absolute blessing! The colors in this shot may be a bit too saturated for some, but there's more from this shoot to follow...

"It's not about where it's coming from, but where it's going. It's not about where you get your power but for who you're doing it for." -Pao

The opportunities I've had to shoot in the Grand Canyon and in other scenic locations in the USA were definitely blessings. There was just one issue.

I had the gear. I'd like to believe I had enough skill. I prayed, and I prayed to the Lord again for creativity and boldness. When I went out there with my family, I usually find myself wanting before, during, and after the shoot.

Then, earlier this morning, while I was having yet another beautiful conversation with Pao, it hit me. I was asking the Lord for His power, love, and sound judgment, sure. But I wasn't doing it for the Lord.

Thank God. Indeed, thank God because though I think I wasted my time, He definitely did not waste His. It took me a long, long yet sweet time to realize this: That it isn't about the gear AND the photographer but it's all about the Lord. I say this in the sense that our desire to serve and praise Him is what gets us stepping forward, and the gear, the skill, the locations, all that follows.

We were created by the Father, saved by the Son, and empowered by the Holy Spirit. God's power is manifested in us through the Holy Spirit.

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow...

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May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift His countenance upon you and give you His Shalom. - Numbers 6:24-26

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