Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Sample 133 - [Dramatis Personæ] Action Men

That's Randy holding a bowl of Pinikpikan (Smoked Chicken boiled with Salted Pork Belly), and that's Allan with a chicken foot. Yes, he uses a fork for a bracelet. 

Allan transferring freshly cooked rice from a cooking pot to a proper container for portioning. On this night, he and a team of hardy Church folk cooked 390 portions of fried chicken, pancit and rice for an event the next day.
If you need something good cooked for a whole bunch of people as soon as possible and even in the smallest budget, you can count on Allan and Randy. In fact, these two are not only good in efficient and effective cooking, but you can count on them to spring to action as soon as a need is realized - if a roof leaks or if a flagpole pulley needs to be installed (while the flagpole is standing, mind you), they will do something to address it.

These two inspire me to respond more and to react less. When it comes to an obstacle, I am led to act more than to complain just because of the wisdom these two unconsciously share - that action definitely makes you part of the solution more than being part of the problem. I sincerely believe that the confidence these two have to act at once comes from experience, and God's grace with them through all that they have been through in the past. 

There is no doubt that the humility and selflessness of these men will have an impact on their children. God bless them. 

Soli Deo Gloria. 

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