Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Sample 134 - Shots of the Locals (Colorado '08)

What you lookin' at?

"The high hills are a refuge for the wild goats..." Psalm 104:18a KJV

I've been playing with my X-E2, and I completely forgot that before I started posting shots from it I was going along with posting my backlog, starting from the shots I took with my very first proper camera... the humble Nikon D40, and its kit lens, the (Non-VR) 18-55mm. Well, actually, for these shots I was blessed because my brother's roommate happened to have a (VR) 55-200mm lens I took with me during our first (and, God willing, not the last) trip to the highest points of Mount Evans. 

For us to see these mountain goats was a consolation blessing, a break from the breathtaking landscapes we already beheld on the way up. It was as if they were so used to cars and people - though they kept their distance, they didn't flinch when I took their pictures again and again. 

Now that I look at these shots again, I am seriously thinking of the XF 55-200mm as my next photography purchase. I suppose expanding my focal range would give me more opportunities than, say, a fast prime. 

Next: Deer.

Soli Deo Gloria. 

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