Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Get On The Bus

These shots were taken from the window seats of the buses I've been riding to and from Manila. You don't have to have all your equipment, you don't have to be anywhere special to be led to take pleasant pictures.

Every second is an opportunity to marvel at the glory of God as seen through His creation. Every moment is an opportunity to give God the praise for His grace and longsuffering as seen in what we do with His creation.

Every second is a gift. Every second we have is an opportunity to share the Gospel.

...and I believe through blogging we have greater opportunities to make every second count. Through this medium we are able to reach a significantly greater number of people in lesser time.

I thank God for His grace which endured through the times I abused the Internet by surfing for pornography and other nasty things. By His grace, and by Jesus Christ's faithfulness to His word, I am just overflowing with a desire to love as I have been loved, to be gracious as He has been gracious.

A wise pastor said more than once that the best way to demonstrate love to another is to lead that person to our own reason and source of love - Jesus Christ. That's the reason why I still pursue blogging, writing, photography...

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow. Have a good day.

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